8/4 - Niagara, ON - Duff Day

Today is the time to get my laundry cleaned and see some of the local sites. Slept in until 8 then gathered up my clothes and bring them to the cleaners. After dropping them off I headed to the internet café to get caught up trip log.

Then it’s off to Niagara-on-the-Lake ( http://www.niagaraonthelake.com ). I took my bicycle cause I was told that I was only 10 miles. It turns out that it was a bit more distant at 18 miles. The town is a tourist-shopping village. With some nice restaurants, shops and cafes. I had some lunch and nap and poked around some of the shops.

Before I knew it, it was getting close to 2PM. Time to head back and I had really planned on seen three sites; the Butterfly Conservatory, The Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and the power plant. I only had time for one in order to get back to the school in time for dinner. Guess which one I did? Of course the power plant!!!

Cycle America hosted the dinner at an Italian restaurant. Followed by a tour briefing. This week we’re picking up a large number of new riders. We expect that by the time we hit New England next week that the total number of riders will be close to 120. Quite a change from 50 or so in South Dakota!

 http://www.city.niagarafalls.on.ca/  - Official Website of the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada