8/15 - Littleton, NH to
Freyeburg, ME - Day 61 |
The theme for today is: "The Four "H's; Hot, Humid, Hills and Headwinds". Today we started out with an option of taking a fork towards the end of the ride. Option #1 takes you up the steepest paved road in New England, Hurricane Mountain Road. Option #2 takes you down into the town of North Conway. fortunately the decision could be put off until mile 41. The mileage today was either 60 miles or 63 miles depending on which route you took. We left early again today (6:45) because breakfast was 5 miles away in the town of Bethlehem at the Bethlehem Country Club. The climb to breakfast was really pretty steep. We got there by 7:30 and were back on the road by 8:15. The challenge for today, was to climb to Crawford Notch. Marianne has told us that from the 'Notch to Gloucester, "it all down hill", we'll see. On the way to the 'notch we passed the Mt Washington Hotel. We didn't have time to stop, but it looked beautiful from the road. By 9:15 I was at the 25 mile mark and it was already getting hazy and humid. It was going to be a hot one today! We pulled into the picnic stop by 12:15 at the 38 mile mark. We were all fueled up and ready to hit the road by 1PM. Just a mile down the road was the Attitash Ski Area, where for $10 you can ride the Alpine Slide. I thought that the slide was even more fun that riding the Bob Sled in lake Placid, NY. At mile 41 the choice had to be made. Option #1 steep climb to Hurricane Mountain Road or take Option #2 an drop down to North Conway. I took option #2, however some other folks, including Erika, took the steep climb option. I heard later that everyone made it over the top, but it wasn't easy! At mile 54 on option #2, I came across the second covered bridge. It's called the Swift Bridge. This bridge no longer carries traffic, but I stopped and walked over it. It was well preserved. At mile 61 I crossed into Maine. We were staying at the fair grounds in Freyeburg.
After dinner a bunch of us took off in the dark with our headlights and
taillights to find ice cream. On the dark roads of Maine, it was quite an
adventure, but worth it. |